

My best friend (on the bottom) and I's new yearz nailz. My eyes ache from all the fumes.

want to emulate this look on the daily. I've been watching survivor man and sewing clothes, it's quite the contrast.

via rackkandruin.


Teenage Dream

This is how we all wish our adolesence was.

Notice how I like the boy pix better. I just think the greaser style is so sexy on men. But only if you really commit to it, no pomps and hot topic jeans, no no. Only levis and tailored pants. Oh kay? Also, ms. renn looks bangin.


ze fashion spot, i think.

also. I am bloated as the ole time of the month is coming, and I'm feeling a chubby mess. I want to be skinny, but I just like lemon heads too too much. Its a problem.


Cant sleep

So relaxed. Remind me to git bellbottoms asap.

I'm gonna get these

I'll tell you where I got them after I get em. Sorry Folks.

666 XMAS 666

the new satan.

Low-Budget Mysticism (or things I like)

  • Crystals
  • Feathers
  • Tarnished Silver
  • Native Prints (native american/ aztec)
  • Geodes
  • Leather
  •  Bone
  • Fur


Crazy Talk

Via the Fashionisto

Something Silly

It's my birthday. I've been sick with the flu and a fever for the past three days and I'm in a rotten mood. I'm sort of stuck in doors as my mother is ill as well...so here's something kitchy and silly to put me in a better mood.

Top Nine Shoes of 2009

Finsk Ponyhair wedge

Osman Yousefzada sculptural wedge shoe

Burberry Prorsum boot, also known as: I die I die.

 Gareth Pugh

A. Wang Spring 2009

Okay, so it turns out my top nine only ended up being a top 5...totes lame I know, but I guess most shoes didn't make that rad of an impression on me. My criteria was this: I want them and would actually wear them.

riveting I know.


New fave?

Dude is piercing my soul. 4reals.

via fashionisto

Thinspo x 89000

really, i'm just kidding about the thinspo. Kinda, sorta. I have a rotten sense of humor huh? But srsly, check that concho pair of panties. DIE.

via tobbac and leather


Boy Parade

Yeah yeah, I couldn't really post any of the other ones, he was all fuzzy everywhere and not in a sexy way.

via the fashionisto

Luke Warroll



There is a new snow on the ground, it is quiet and isolating.


Google Images.

Um yeah. Style Icon. I thank so, since like 3rd grade.

The most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on


I was always so pissed I never saved this editorial when I first saw it, because her hair is EXACTLY how I want mine. Thank god for Melina.



other bloggers: Srsly so annoying sometimes.

yeah yeah, ok. boo hoo.


thankful for the life im allowed to  lead. thankful for the freedom i now have. thankful for the luck i've had thus far, because trust me, this is luck, not circumstance. Thank you for you. you you you. I am blessed


Let me see yer teeth

thrifted velvet maxi skirt and flannel, white urban moto jacket circa 2006, goats head necklace via ebay
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