
other bloggers: Srsly so annoying sometimes.

yeah yeah, ok. boo hoo.


thankful for the life im allowed to  lead. thankful for the freedom i now have. thankful for the luck i've had thus far, because trust me, this is luck, not circumstance. Thank you for you. you you you. I am blessed


Let me see yer teeth

thrifted velvet maxi skirt and flannel, white urban moto jacket circa 2006, goats head necklace via ebay


via olsen's anon



Daul Kim is dead.  Her face will be missed. She was truly a unique and beautiful model, and a goddamn snappy dresser.


wat i wore today:


sam edelman zoe booties, diy tripp jeans, thrifted jean button up, thrifted white fur coat (fucking 4 dollars. hell yes.)


Eye Candy

I havn't seen my man in a minute, and I think I'm going bonkers. You can look, but no touching. Heres some babes:



Hell yeah ashley.

Effing radical.
So casual. So chic.

via olsens anon


I make things sometimes...

So...inspired by Tobacco and Leather, I decided to post some of my creative work. I'm in college, mostly studding psychology, but that hasn't stopped me from making some shit here and there. Most of the dolls are actually puppets I made for an animation about a year ago. The other stuff is just kind of random. My photographs are unfortunately kinda shitty, which I need to amend asap.


Halloweenie. Worked so hard on this puppy, er goaty.
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